An Online Yoga Inversion Workshop to Change Your Mind

Saturday, November 9, 10:00-11:30am ET

Does the upside-down state of the world make you feel scattered, anxious, or overwhelmed?

Have you limited your activities or experiences to avoid feeling fear, awkwardness, or embarrassment?

Are your habits getting in the way of your growth?

Do you judge others harshly or feel judged by others?Ā 

Are you new to yoga? Do feel intimidated by inversions and arm balances in yoga class?

It's time to flip your perspective and find a new outlook.


Welcome to the Topsy Turvy Inversion Workshop!

This 90-minute online yoga session designed to:

  • Clear your mind and stabilize your emotions by releasing mental attachments and aversions.
  • Shift your perception by questioning assumptions you have about yourself and your experience of the world.
  • Embrace the confusion you might experience in this time as a sign of growth.
  • Become more confident in awkward positions.

Besides the practice of physical postures, this workshop includes breathwork, meditation and an interactive discussion of Patanjali's eight limbs of yoga relating to inversions and perception.

Small Class Size

A limited number of workshop participants allows for each student to receive specific instruction and adjustments and deeper learning through sharing.

Written Materials

Handouts provide more information on the class material, references, resources. They also include exercises for student self-study, and reflection.


Included with the workshop are a follow-up Q&A sessionĀ support students with integrating the workshop material and discount code for Jennifer's book, Rein.

Reserve Your Spot Today!

To provide the best experience for each student, space is limited.

Register Here!

The Benefits of Yoga Inversions

The Topsy Turvy Yoga Inversions Workshop is more than a how-to do inverted poses. It is an opportunity to experience the spiritual, emotional and mental benefits of turning upside down.

  • Relish the peace and calm of restorative inversions.
  • Clear stagnation and toxins that block the flow of your circulation, vital life force and spiritual energy.
  • Develop patience, concentration and willpower to overcome life's challenges.
  • Find inner balance and equilibrium to cultivate spiritual growth.
  • Instill a sense of humility and self-confidence, boosting one's spiritual self-belief and resilience.
  • Foster a sense of surrender and letting go of perfection through the vulnerability of going upside down.

What This Workshop Covers

Foundational Yoga Inversions
Beginners will safely learn basic inversions, while more advanced students have the opportunity to deepen their basic inversion practice.

Energizing Inversions
Poses that require strength, balance, or backbending increase circulation and wake up the nervous system.

Restorative Inversions
Poses that allow the body to rest while reversing blood to the heart and head relax and restore the body and mind.

Core Strengthening Inversions
Going upside down requires core engagement and can strongly massage the abdominal organs.

Breath and Movement Coordination
Yoga is different than exercise is concentration on breathing while moving. This also increases safety when practicing inversions.

Inversions and the Eight Limbs of Yoga
Discover how inversions relate to aspects of yoga like meditation, self-discovery, self-discipline and sensory restraint.


Mari Pfeiffer

Los Angeles, CA

"Jen has a very soothing and calming presence, and although we experienced the session online, it felt very much like it was an in-person session. I went into Jen's micro-retreats that I attended feeling stressed and anxious about my life and the world and came out feeling relaxed, and optimistic. Thank you Jen for your wisdom and kindness and I look forward to attending more of these micro-retreats!"

Andrea Hack

Washington, DC

"I think Jen is a master at what she does. She brings patience, calm and gravitas to her work and is able to instill confidence and joy simultaneously. Jen would always know how to correct a pose, to make it better, stronger, more valuable. I remain amazed at her ability to see the nuance in each personā€™s practice. Truly amazing."

Joshua Dillon

Washington, DC

"Jen's yoga classes are like silk on steel."


About the Instructor

This foundational workshop is led by Jennifer Marie Young, an experienced yoga instructor with over 12 years of teaching and a 20+ year background as a personal trainer. She has guided many people in achieving things they didn't believe were possible. Drawing on her own experiences of overcoming fears and limitations with yoga inversions, Jen will ensure you feel supported and encouraged throughout the workshop.

Topsy Turvy Inversion Workshop


To provide the best experience for each student, space is limited.

Sign Up Here!